What to Expect..

  • Connect

    The first step is reaching out. Once you’ve decided to work with one of our incredible therapists, you will be prompted to fill out some information about yourself.

  • Schedule

    You will then directly schedule with your therapist and set up a complimentary consultation phone call to chat, identify your reasons for seeking services, and the opportunity to ask your therapist any questions or concerns you may have.

  • Complete

    Once you have connected with your therapist via phone and scheduled your first appointment, you will complete all of the necessary documents. These documents can be found in the client portal. These documents will need to be completed prior to your first appointment.

  • Show up

    Let’s do this! You will attend your first session either in person at the office or via telehealth. This will be time to connect with and get to know your therapist and vice versa. Your therapist will go through some formalities and information gathering.

  • Set Goals

    During your first session, you and your therapist will work collaboratively to create specific and attainable goals regarding your presenting challenges and how to measure your therapeutic progress.

  • Learn & Grow

    You will be provided several tools and opportunities to grow and learn to work towards being the best and most authentic version of yourself. Each session may look very different depending on what you need that session; however, your therapeutic goals will be important to revisit as well. During this time, you may experience some growing pains which may feel overwhelming or defeating. This can be a big part of the therapeutic process.

  • Practice & Apply

    Consistency is key!! As if you haven’t heard that before. However, it is necessary to follow in order to get the most out of your tools. During the in between time make sure you are practicing and using your tools that you learn in session. This will be a huge contributor to your therapeutic growth and achieving your therapeutic goals!

  • Manage & Thrive

    At this stage, your tool box is overflowing and you have made significant progress in your therapeutic treatment. You may be shifting into less amount of sessions due to your ability to manage symptoms. Amazing work!

  • Achieve Goals & Terminate

    You have gained so much from therapy and your utilization of your tools both proactive and intervention ones are now part of your daily life. You are ready to terminate. Take the time to reflect on all of the growth you have made!